(Family Features) Medicare Open Enrollment, which runs from Oct. 15-Dec. 7 each year, is the one time you can review, compare and make changes to your Medicare health and prescription drug plans for the next year.
(Family Features) If you're enrolled in Medicare, it's important to remember Medicare Open Enrollment runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 each year.
(Family Features) No matter how old you are, you can take action to prevent certain lung conditions, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.
(Family Features) It doesn't take much for cold and flu symptoms to take over. Even a mild case of the sniffles can make it difficult to navigate the demands of everyday life.
(Family Features) Consider these lifestyle recommendations and recipes like Grape and Brussels Sprout Slaw to support your immune system naturally.
(NewsUSA) - The kids may be out trick-or-treating, but 70% of U.S. adults say they are celebrating Halloween at home, and approximately half of them will be hosting a party, according to a recent …
(NAPSI)—Considering young drivers are at a higher risk of motor vehicle crashes, it’s important for guardians to encourage safe behaviors such as wearing a seatbelt, observing the speed limit, …
(NAPSI)—Si tomamos en cuenta que los conductores jóvenes corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir accidentes automovilísticos, es importante que los cuidadores promuevan comportamientos responsables como …
(BPT) - In the fall, California's Napa Valley transforms from lush, green vineyards and rolling hills into a stunning landscape of vibrant reds, deep oranges and rich yellows, all set against the …
(BPT) - Human activity and climate change continue to amplify the frequency and intensity of wildfires, making it crucial to understand and prepare for these disasters. Each year, Mercury Insurance …
Votebeat examines the current translation practices for Navajo voters in Arizona, and where they fall short when providing the full picture.
Hers takes the pulse of national stress levels regarding the upcoming presidential election.
(BPT) - For Janice, health and fitness were always priorities. Growing up in Jamaica, she’d been a sprinter for her high school track team. After moving to the U.S. in her mid-20s, she built a …
The 74 details the abuse and killing of Native children at federal boarding schools in the U.S., drawing from an Interior Department report.
(BPT) - USAFacts, a not-for-profit, nonpartisan civic organization founded by former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, is launching the final installment of its video series by focusing on health & …
(BPT) - New Empower research explores the annual process and what matters most to American workersOver half of Americans (53%) report that cost is the primary driver for choosing benefits during open …
(NewsUSA) - Approximately 40% of children in the United States live at or below the poverty line, facing daily challenges and hardships. Their parents, grappling with the relentless impact of …
NEXT shares different ways to protect your business, employees, and customers.
(NAPSI)—As eco-conscious living continues to grow in popularity, families are embracing greener habits and making sustainable choices in all aspects of life. From minimizing waste and using …
(Mayra Garza, Head of Group Benefits Strategy and Retail Segment at Guardian and Shawn Patrick, Director of Strategic Growth at Kelsey National) - Open Enrollment is here.For many Americans, this is …