
(Family Features) Most Americans consider high-speed internet an essential household service. Yet in rural America, an estimated 25% of the population doesn't have access to broadband.

(BPT) - Time is money, and there’s a premium: Americans say their time is worth $240 per hour, on average, according to new research from Empower, a financial services company. Based on a …

(BPT) - The world is always changing — for better or for worse — but the last few years have transformed society rapidly. Handling these changes in current responsibilities can be …

(BPT) - Have you experienced or known someone who has experienced a mental health or substance use challenge? Mental health conditions are common, manageable and treatable — and more likely …

(Family Features) An estimated 60% of the global population wash clothes by hand and the burden falls mostly on women and girls, which means spending up to 20 hours each week doing laundry instead of going to work or school.

(NewsUSA) - Want to learn more about the latest innovations in artificial intelligence?Don’t miss the first-ever AI Expo for National Competitiveness, which takes place on May 7-8, 2024, in …

Spokeo surveyed 1,158 Americans in October 2023 about topics relating to relationships and infidelity. reviews numerous educational leadership reports to focus on the need for effective principals at schools throughout the U.S.

Lyft partnered with tech companies to offer needed services to refugees. walks Canadian homebuyers through the steps it takes to attain an affordable mortgage.

(BPT) - Wouldn't it be great to hit the beach with a more toned and refined body without taking medications, yo-yo dieting, or constantly hitting the treadmill?Enter truBody® by Cutera, two …

Which AP tests stump students the most? Numerade used data from the College Board to identify the 10 AP courses with the lowest pass rate in 2023.

Stacker examined academic studies and government data and talked to experts about what causes veterans to become homeless after serving in the U.S. military.

HeySunday got the nitty gritty answers to five of the most common laundry-related questions with the help of textile scientist Dr. Elizabeth Easter and other sources.

(BPT) - Malaria continues to be a significant public health issue in certain regions across the globe, especially in Africa. In the most recent estimate, the World Health Organization approximated …

Clubs Poker compiled various sources to trace the evolution of poker by documenting the major events and figures throughout the game's history. 

(NAPSI)—For today’s homes and businesses, affordable access to reliable electricity is as essential as having running water. Over several decades, an extensive electric system has been built to …

(NAPSI)—Homeowners can put their own spin on their personal outdoor space this spring by adopting a “yard your way” attitude, advises the TurfMutt Foundation, which is celebrating 15 years of …

(BPT) - Nearly a third of all births in the U.S. — more than 1.3 million — are delivered by cesarean section (C-section) each year. While their baby’s safety is top of mind, mothers …

(BPT) - If you have a family of athletes, you know how hectic the spring sports schedule can be. As you prepare for another busy season, focus on feeding your young athletes right to optimize their …

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